Market Umbrella is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3), based in New Orleans, whose mission is to cultivate the power of farmers markets to drive economic and community health in the region. Market Umbrella has operated the Crescent City Farmers Markets (CCFM) since 1995.
Good Food Concepts
As defined by the USDA, grass-fed meat comes from livestock that has eaten only grasses throughout their lives since weaning, which is the natural diet for ruminants like cows, goats, and sheep. While conventionally produced meat is typically fed corn or grain, grass-fed livestock is raised on pasture exclusively. Studies have shown many nutritional benefits of eating grass-fed meat, including a higher percentage of healthy fats. There are also environmental benefits to producing meat this way that include lower amounts of water and carbon inputs per calorie output than conventionally produced meat, not to mention the humaneness of treating animals in this fashion and letting them eat what their systems are built for. Luckily, the Crescent City Farmers Market is home to three anchor grass-fed ranchers: Our Family Farm, Gonsoulin Land & Cattle, and T&R Dairy Farm. Yee-Haw!

About Us
The Crescent City Farmers Market operates weekly year-round throughout New Orleans. The CCFM hosts 70+ local small farmers, fishers, and food producers, and more than 150,000 shoppers annually.